Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 5.253*
- H-Index: 6
- ISSN: 2474-1655
- DOI: 10.25107/2474-1655
Major Scope
- Sports Medicine
- Respiratory Medicine
- Asthma
- Hepatology
- Orthopedic Sugery
- Diabetology
- Vascular Medicine
- Inflammation
Citation: Ann Clin Case Rep. 2022;7(1):2114.DOI: 10.25107/2474-1655.2114
Clinical Treatment and Observation of a Case of IgG4- Related Nephropathy Combined with Tuberculosis Infection
Cao Yingjie, Shi Jiaqi, Wu Jianhua, Yuan Li, Zhang Yuan and Chen Xiaolan*
Department of Nephrology, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, China
*Correspondance to: Chen Xiaolan
PDF Full Text Case Report | Open Access
IgG4-related diseases are a group of chronic, progressive inflammatory diseases with fibrosis and sclerosis of unknown origin. Here, we report a case of IgG4-related nephropathy combined with Tuberculosis (TB) for >1 month in a 69-year-old man with abnormal renal function, which was found on physical examination. He presented with a low level of proteinuria, abnormally high globulin, renal dysfunction and increased kidney size, as well as a positive T-spot test. After renal biopsy of IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis, the patient was finally diagnosed with IgG4- related nephropathy combined with TB, and we followed up the clinical treatment effect.
IgG4 related disease; Tuberculosis infection; Biopsy; Glucocorticoid
Cite the Article:
Yingjie C, Jiaqi S, Jianhua W, Li Y, Yuan Z, Xiaolan C. Clinical Treatment and Observation of a Case of IgG4- Related Nephropathy Combined with Tuberculosis Infection. Ann Clin Case Rep. 2022; 7: 2114..