Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 5.253*
- H-Index: 6
- ISSN: 2474-1655
- DOI: 10.25107/2474-1655
Major Scope
- Forensic and Legal Medicine
- Endoscopy
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Dermatology and Cosmetology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Anatomy
- Trauma
- Hematology
Citation: Ann Clin Case Rep. 2022;7(1):2226.DOI: 10.25107/2474-1655.2226
A Drug-Free, Digital, Self-Management Tool for Chronic Pain Patients Powered by Artificial Intelligence – A Pilot Trial
Gregory R Polston1, Maria Klement2, Ulrika Axelsson3, Mattias Olsson4, Göran Barkfors2 and Carl AK Borrebaeck2*
1Koman Family Outpatient Pavilion, UCSD Health Science Center, USA 2Department of Immunotechnology, CREATE Health Cancer Center, Lund University, Sweden 3Pain Drainer AB, Scheeletorget 1, Sweden 4Department of Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Sweden
*Correspondance to: Carl AK Borrebaeck
PDF Full Text Commentary | Open Access
We describe the design and clinical utility of a digital tool aimed to increase the quality of life for chronic pain patients. PainDrainer is a drug-free, self-management tool, powered by artificial intelligence that adapts to the self-reported activities of each individual patient, resulting in a truly patient-centric support. The tool was tested in an open label, one-arm pilot study performed in two phases, encompassing in total 15 patients. The change in quality of life, pre-and post-treatment by using PainDrainer, was measured using a PROMIS Pain Interference 6a validated questionnaire. The outcome showed a statistically significant improvement in pain interference, surpassed the minimal important difference between T-scores, and showed a reduction in pain intensity after six weeks’ treatment. In conclusions the study showed both patient acceptance and improvement in quality of life for chronic pain patients.
Cite the Article:
Polston GR, Klement M, Axelsson U, Olsson M, Barkfors G, Borrebaeck CAK. A Drug-Free, Digital, Self- Management Tool for Chronic Pain Patients Powered by Artificial Intelligence – A Pilot Trial. Ann Clin Case Rep. 2022; 7: 2226..