Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: What Do We Know?
Detlef Brehmer*
Private ENT Clinic Goettingen, University Witten/Herdecke, Goettingen, Germany
*Corresponding author: Detlef Brehmer, Private ENT Clinic Goettingen, University Witten/Herdecke, Goettingen, Germany
Published: 27 Apr, 2017
Cite this article as: Brehmer D. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: What Do We Know?. Ann Clin Case Rep. 2017; 2: 1345.
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) is understood as a backflow of gastric contents (acid and
pepsin) of liquid or aerosol to the supraesophageal organs. Synonyms for LPR are extraesophageal
reflux, supraesophageal reflux, gastropharyngeal reflux, atypical reflux, silent reflux, laryngeal reflux
and pharyngoesophageal reflux. Hereinafter the term laryngopharyngeal reflux will be used. This
term was also used in the position paper of the committee on speech, voice and swallowing disorders
of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery [1]. Unlike gastroesophageal
reflux, LPR is not necessarily associated with the three guiding symptoms heartburn, acid reflux
and regurgitation. LPR offers a variety of symptoms like throat clearing, mouth burning, globus,
hoarseness, dysphagia, cough unknown genesis even in children, paroxysmal laryngospasm and
dental erosions [1,2]. Each of the symptoms listed above can indeed point to an LPR but they are
not specific to it. Every single symptom may have a different cause, e.g. infections, vocal overuse
or misuse, allergies, smoking, inhalation of environmental irritants, alcohol abuse, drugs, tumors,
psychosomatic disorders and others. Symptoms may be unreliable. Therefore and to objectify LPR
a valid examination method with reproducible results is mandatory.
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) disease occurs mainly in supine position and LPR almost
always in upright position [3,4]. LPR does not commonly appear in the context of food ingestion. In
LPR the reflux is often an aerosol and not liquid as it is in GERD. This is a more plausible explanation
of the presence of refluxate deep in the lungs [5,6]. There is strong evidence that LPR favors
a number of other diseases such as asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, subglottic stenosis, chronic
rhinosinusitis or otitis media with effusion in children [7-11]. Patients with the above mentioned
symptoms represent approximately 10% of all patients presented in an ENT-clinic [1]. It is assumed
that between about 50 and 80% of the patients with voice disorders also have laryngopharyngeal
reflux [12,13]. The pathogenesis of reflux disease is complex. In LPR the primary disorder is often a
disturbed function of the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) [14]. Up to 50 reflux episodes a day are
considered normal for the esophagus. For the laryngeal mucosa, three reflux episodes are sufficient
to induce inflammation and a significant disease [1]. In the esophagus pepsin can cause damage if
the pH is less than 4, but in the supraesophageal regions like the laryngeal mucosa damage caused
by pepsin can occur at higher pH. Chronic pepsin exposure as a result of LPR plays a significant role
in laryngopharyngeal carcinogenesis [15]. Pepsin has a maximum activity at pH 2.0 and is inactive
at pH 6.5 or higher, but it remains stable until pH 8.0 and can be reactivated when the pH is reduced
[16]. Sandner “et al.” [17] demonstrated that human gastric juice increased the number of DNAstand
breaks at pH 4.5 and 5.5 in epithelial cell cultures.
Really remarkable is, that refluxate always contains pepsin, even if devoid of acid (as might
happen on high dose proton pump inhibitor (PPI) treatment), the enzyme will still be damaging
if reflux reaches the extraesophageal areas [18]. Thus the LPR is not only a disorder which affects
the quality of life, but can also become a serious disease. The diagnostic investigation of LPR is
challenging. The medical history is not pointing the way. No matter how long the symptoms like
hoarseness or others already existed or how stressful these have been felt by the patients, a correlation
between the presence of LPR and symptoms could not be detected [4,19]. The duration and intensity
of symptoms could not show a correlation with the presence of LPR. Some authors report about a
correlation of laryngeal mucosal changes such as redness, edema of the arytenoids or a cobblestone
appearance of the interarytenoid area and LPR. But laryngeal findings attributed to LPR can be
found in 86% of normal controls [20]. These findings are not specific. The use of questionnaires does
not lead to a valid diagnosis. There are two recommended questionnaires. The usefulness of these
questionnaires is controversially discussed [21].
Until now it was impossible objectively to prove LPR. There are difficulties with traditional pH
probes, they are positioned too low in the esophagus to detect LPR. The usual esophagus pH-probes must be rinsed with liquid all the time. If a proximal probe from
beneath UES to above UES is re-positioned, it does not provide valid
measurements anymore. The sensor will dry out due to air contact.
Mucosal contact in the esophagus can mask reflux events. Esophageal
pH testing using pH catheters, once considered the gold standard for
diagnosing GERD, have not shown usable sensitivity and specificity
for LPR patients [22]. Meanwhile, there is an oropharyngeal pH probe
system for the evaluation of pH values in the region of interest. The
restech Dx-pH-probe is inserted transnasally into the oropharynx
behind the uvula. This is easily confirmed by visualization of the red
LED on the tip of the catheter. At a frequency with two Hz the pH is
measured. The transmission of the data is wireless to a recorder [22].
The patients wore the probes for 24 hours before removal.
The sensor detects aerosolized and liquid acid /alkaline and is
specially developed for the pharynx. It does not require immersion
in liquid. It is an easy minimal invasive application. In our experience
patients show excellent acceptance of the pharyngeal probe.
Measurement take place at the region of interest namely in the
pharynx. Symptoms of laryngopharyngeal reflux are more prevalent
in patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) than typical
GERD symptoms and may represent the only sign of disease [23]. So
Reavis “et al.” [23] figured out that the presence of LPR symptoms
better identifies patients with existing cancer at an earlier stage than
typical GERD symptoms. Just to remember the growing prevalence of
EAC in the Western World, which shows the highest increase of 850 %
since 1975 [24]. Unfortunately despite the immeasurable advantages
of the pharyngeal 24-pH- monitoring there is no stated consensus in
diagnosis of LPR. But this is not an uncommon phenomenon, when
a new insight starts to clear things and correct previous accepted
untested truths.
In different guidelines in different countries the empiric treatment
with proton pump inhibitor as a diagnostic tool is still recommended.
Empiric treatment with proton pump inhibitor is not without side
effects [25]. For the diagnosis of LPR is it no help to identify nonresponder
to PPI. Empiric treatment can make healthy people sick.
The unreflected medication with proton pump inhibitor may cause
reflux in normal volunteers. Reimer “et al.” [26] demonstrated in
their study that proton pump inhibitor therapy for 8 weeks induces
acid-related symptoms in healthy volunteers after withdrawal.
Their results support the hypothesis Rebound Acid Hypersecretion
(RAHS) has clinical consequences. Testing the therapeutic indication
prior prescribing drugs for empiric trial saves money and provides
a faster diagnosis and improved outcome. A definite diagnosis
improves the adherence to the selected therapy. A negative result
in the pharyngeal 24-pH- monitoring can exclude LPR as a cause of
unspecific symptoms. Recently published studies indicate the benefit
of this system as a tool in detecting LPR and its ability to predict
responsiveness to medical and surgical therapy [27].
Big advantage of the pharyngeal 24-pH-monitoring is the objective proof of LPR at the region of interest that medically non-indicated empirical drug treatments – e.g. with proton pump inhibitor – can be avoided and the patient thus be protected from their known side effects.
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