Clinical Video

Hidden Tongue

Emilio Pintor* and Carmen Martin
Department of Dentistry, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain

*Corresponding author: Emilio Pintor Holguin, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Villaviciosa de Odón, 28670 Madrid, Spain

Published: 18 Jun, 2018
Cite this article as: Pintor E, Martin C. Hidden Tongue. Ann Clin Case Rep. 2018; 3: 1522.

Clinical Video

A 30 years old male went to our dental office to an oral review. While intraoral exam, there was a moment in which his tongue disappeared (Figure 1). After some second, tongue reappeared again. (Figure 2). Ability of demonstrating tongue movements varies from person to person. Other than normal lingual movements, a few people are also able to do some special movements such as tongue rolling, tongue folding, tongue twisting, pointed tongue and clover-leaf tongue. The skill to produce these movements depends on genetics and also on language.
This patient had lingual normal movement but also he was able to retroflex his tongue as much as reaching his nasopharynx at retropalatal space (Video 1). This type of voluntary movement is very rare in general population and we could say this patient is able “to swallow his tongue”.

Figure 1

Another alt text

Figure 1
There was a moment in which his tongue disappeared.

Figure 2

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Figure 2
After some second, tongue reappeared again.

Video 1

Video 1